‘The Yaoundé Convention’ from Eurafrica (March 1968)

In the March 1968 edition of the monthly journal Eurafrica: Tribune du Tiers-Monde, published by the Eurafrican Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the former Belgian Minister for Economic Affairs and Employment Léon-Éli Troclet discusses the development of trade between the European Economic Community (EEC) and the Associated African and Malagasy States (AAMS) since the signing of the Yaoundé Convention in July 1963.

Source et copyright

Source: TROCLET, Léon-Eli. La Convention de Yaoundé: Rapport de la Commission paritaire sur l’activité du Conseil d’Association. Dans: Eurafrica: Tribune du Tiers-Monde. 03-1968. N°3, 12e année, pp. 5-9. Conservé à: Archives historiques de l'Union européenne. EM-Eduardo Martino, EM.C Commission exécutive. EM.C.C Afrique noire, Etats africains et malgache associés (EAMA). 09/1960-23/12/1968, EM-182.

Copyright: Historical Archives of the European Union

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