Willem van Eekelen and Manfred Wörner at the first meeting between the North Atlantic Council and the WEU Council (Brussels, 21 May 1992)

On 21 May 1992, the Council of Western European Union (WEU) holds its first official meeting with the North Atlantic Council, at the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in Brussels. From this point on, the Secretary General of WEU regularly attends the ministerial meetings of the North Atlantic Council, and the Secretary General of NATO attends the ministerial meetings of WEU. The photo shows Willem van Eekelen, Secretary General of WEU (on the left), in discussions with Manfred Wörner, Secretary General of NATO.

Source et copyright

Source: NATO Media Library, Médiathèque de l'OTAN, NB 132, Division de la diplomatie publique, 1110 Bruxelles, Belgique. http://www.nato.int/issues/media_library/index-fr.html.
First formal meeting of the North Atlantic Council with the Council of the Western European Union at NATO Headquarters. Brussels: NATO, 21.05.1992. Black and White.

Copyright: Photo OTAN / NATO

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Willem van Eekelen and Manfred Wörner at the first meeting between the North Atlantic Council and the WEU Council (Brussels, 21 May 1992)