Address given by Günter Verheugen on Slovakia’s accession to the EU (Košice, 21 February 2001)

On 21 February 2001, Günter Verheugen, European Commissioner for Enlargement, delivers an address at the Technical University of Košice in which he outlines the implications of the enlargement of the European Union (EU) and considers the progress made by Slovakia so that it is in a position to accede to the EU.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Speech of Mr. Günter Verheugen, Member of the European Commission, responsible for the Enlargement of the European Union, at the Technical University of Kosice on 21 February 2001. [ON-LINE]. [Bratislava]: Delegation of the European Commission in the Slovak Republic, mise à jour 04.01.2002[10.06.2005]. Available on

Copyright: Delegation of the European Commission in the Slovak Republic

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