Cartoon by Pinatel on the signing of the Rome Treaties (29 March 1957)

‘Common Market or village fête.’ On 29 March 1957, commenting in the French daily newspaper Combat on the signing in Rome of the Treaties establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom), the cartoonist Pinatel portrays the French people’s doubts about the implications of the Common Market.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Combat. de la Résistance à la Révolution. 29.03.1957, n° 3965; 15e année. Paris: Combat. "Marché commun ou kermesse aux étoiles", auteur:Pinatel , p. 1.

Copyright: (c) Pinatel

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Cartoon by Pinatel on the signing of the Rome Treaties (29 March 1957)