Communication from the Commission to the Council on the EU and Kaliningrad (Brussels, 17 January 2001)

On 17 January 2001, the Commission of the European Communities submits to the Council a communication that conveys the effects of EU enlargement from which Russia and Kalinigrad, a unique part of the latter, are expected to benefit. What is also communicated is background information on the current situation in Kaliningrad as well as on its relations with its neighbours and international organisations. Additionally, suggestions are made that could potentially be used as a basis by the appropriate authorities so as to manage issues including those of security as well as the effective management of border crossings and of migration flows that might arise from the enlargement process.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Commission of the European Communities. Communication from the Commission to the Council. The EU and Kaliningrad COM(2001) 26 final. Brussels: 17.01.2001, pp. 1-22.

Copyright: European Union

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