Draft reply by the British delegation to the WEU Council to Recommendation 345 on new weapons and defence strategy — modernisation of theatre nuclear forces (London, 6 August 1980)

On 6 August 1980, the Secretary-General of Western European Union (WEU) circulates a draft reply by the WEU Council, prepared by the United Kingdom delegation, to Assembly Recommendation 345 on new weapons and defence strategy — modernisation of theatre nuclear forces. The text is reproduced almost in its entirety in the final reply to the Recommendation (C (80) 149).

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Council of the Western European Union. Secretary-General's note. Recommendation 345 on new weapons and defence strategy – modernisation of theatre nuclear forces. London: 06.08.1980. WPM (80) 19. 6 p.

Archives nationales de Luxembourg (ANLux). http://www.anlux.lu. Western European Union Archives. Secretariat-General/Council’s Archives. 1954-1987. Organs of the Western European Union. Year: 1980, 01/06/1980-30/11/1980. File 202.413.26. Volume 1/1.

Copyright: (c) WEU Secretariat General - Secrétariat Général UEO

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