Kenya Coastal Strip Agreement (8 October 1963)

In anticipation of Kenya’s independence on 12 December 1963, the governments of the United Kingdom, Kenya and Zanzibar sign an agreement under which Zanzibar agrees to cede the Kenyan coastal strip to Kenya, without compensation.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Kenya Coastal Strip: Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom, His Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar, the Government of Kenya and the Government of Zanzibar. 10-1963. Aufbewahrt in: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). CAB - Records of the Cabinet Office, CAB 133 - Cabinet Office: Commonwealth and International Conferences and Ministerial Visits to and from the UK: Minutes and Papers. Kenya Independence Conference, CAB 133/215.

Copyright: (c) The National Archives of the United Kingdom

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