Address given by José Medeiros Ferreira at the signing of the Protocols to the Agreement between Portugal and the EEC (Brussels, 20 September 1976)

On 20 September 1976, in Brussels, at the signing of the Interim Agreement, the Additional Protocol and the Financial Protocol between Portugal and the European Economic Community (EEC), José Manuel Medeiros Ferreira, Portuguese Foreign Minister, delivers an address in which he declares, for the first time, Portugal’s intention to submit an application for accession to the European Communities.

Source and copyright

Source: Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Serviço de Arquivo Histórico-Diplomático, Palácio das Necessidades, Largo do Rilvas, 1399-030 Lisboa. Dep. Com. EOI. Proc. 5.

Copyright: (c) Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Serviço de Arquivo Histórico-Diplomático

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