Address given by Willy Brandt to the Bundestag on security policy (Bonn, 22 November 1983)

On 22 November 1983, Willy Brandt, Leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), confirms to the Bundestag that the differences between France and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) with regard to the deployment of Euromissiles do not compromise the good relationship between the two countries. Brandt speaks about the Europeanisation of Europe, which depends on the strengthening of links in Western Europe and on the cooperation required between Western and Eastern Europe.

Source and copyright

Source: Verhandlungen des deutschen Bundestages. 10. Wahlperiode. 36. Sitzung vom 22. November 1983. Stenographische Berichte. Hrsg. Deutscher Bundestag und Bundesrat. 1983. Bonn. p. 2508-2510.

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