Appearance of Alberto Navarro González before the Joint Committee for European Union regarding European affairs (22 February 2007)

Transcript of the appearance of the State Secretary for European Union, Alberto Navarro González, before the Joint Committee for European Union on 22 February 2007 to present the latest information on the future of the European Union, on the last meeting of the Friends of the European Constitution and on the forthcoming European Council to be held on 8 and 9 March 2007. It also includes the debate on the position of the Government concerning the agenda for the German rotating Presidency of the European Union and the legislative and working programme of the Commission for the year 2007.

Source and copyright

Source: Diario de Sesiones de las Cortes Generales. 22.02.2007, n° 87. Madrid. p. 1-30.

Copyright: (c) Diario de Sesiones del Congreso de los Diputados - Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores

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