Cartoon by Behrendt on whether the United Kingdom will remain within the EEC (9 April 1975)

‘Mooring is the better option.’ On 9 April 1975, Fritz Behrendt, a Dutch cartoonist originally from Berlin, illustrates the question marks over the United Kingdom’s continued membership of the European Economic Community and expresses concern at the consequences of British Prime Minister Harold Wilson’s decision to challenge the United Kingdom’s terms of accession to the Communities.

Source and copyright

Source: BEHRENDT, Fritz. Festmachen - die bessere Alternative. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Zeitung für Deutschland. 09-04-1975. 82, p.3. ISSN 0174-4909.

Copyright: (c) Fritz Behrendt

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Cartoon by Behrendt on whether the United Kingdom will remain within the EEC (9 April 1975)