Cartoon by Soro on the future of post-war Germany (13 September 1946)

‘FRITZ or Perseverance’. On 13 September 1946, one year after the end of the Second World War, faced with the threat of seeing defeated Germany regain its industrial might, French cartoonist Soro looks back at the history of Germany since the end of the First World War in 1918. Concerned that events might repeat themselves, Soro calls on the Western democracies, particularly France, to remain vigilant with regard to the dangers of a renewed German military–industrial complex.

Source and copyright

Source: SORO (Olaf, Valère Sorokine). "Fritz ou la Persévérance" dans Action Hebdomadaire de l'indépendance française. 13.09.1946, n°106, p.20.

Copyright: (c) Olaf Soro

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Cartoon by Soro on the future of post-war Germany (13 September 1946)