Declaration by the Heads of State or Government on the appointment of the future Minister for Foreign Affairs of the EU (Brussels, 29 June 2004)

On 29 June 2004 in Brussels, the Heads of State or Government of the Member States of the European Union, in agreement with the President designate of the Commission, decide that on the day of entry into force of the Constitutional Treaty Javier Solana, Secretary-General of the Council and High Representative for the CFSC, will be appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs and that Pierre de Boissieu, Deputy Secretary-General of the Council, will be appointed Secretary-General of the Council for the remainder of his previous term of office.

Source and copyright

Source: Press release, 2595th Council meeting, Heads of State or Government, 10995/94. Brussels: Council of the European Union, 29.06.2004. 8 p. "Appointment of future EU Foreign Minister - Declaration", p. 7.

Copyright: (c) European Union

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