Eugen Kogon, The adventurous paths of Europe

On 20 February 1957, while the Foreign Ministers of the Six meet in Paris to discuss the progress of the negotiations being conducted in Val Duchesse, the German federalist Eugene Kogo, founder of the journal Frankfurter Hefte, criticises the increasing number of European initiatives which, in his opinion, will not necessarily lead to a common and independent European policy.

Source and copyright

Source: Frankfurter Hefte. Zeitschrift für Kultur und Politik. März 1957, Nr. 3. Frankfurt/Main: Neue Verlagsgesellschaft der Frankfurter Hefte. "Die abenteuerlichen Wege Europas", auteur:Kogon, Eugen , p. 153-156.

Copyright: (c) J.H.W. Dietz Nachf. GmbH

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