General considerations by the Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid on Spain’s integration into the EEC (15 December 1977)

Lecture given by the Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid at the Annual General Meeting of the Standing Conference of the Spanish and Italian Chambers of Commerce, held in Rome on 15 December 1977, on Spain’s aims within the EEC and the consequences of its accession.

Source and copyright

Source: Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de Madrid. La integración de España en la CEE: consideraciones generales. Madrid: 15.12.1977. 19 p.
Secretaría de Estado para la Unión Europea, Madrid. 1016.1 III Esp-1 (11.180).

Copyright: (c) Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación de España

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