Letter from Christian Calmes to Jan Willem Beyen (17 May 1956)

On 17 May 1956, Christian Calmes, Secretary-General of the Special Council of Ministers of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), emphasises to Johan Willem Beyen, Netherlands Foreign Minister, the need to establish a post of Political Coordinator for the forthcoming diplomatic discussions on the Common Market and Euratom which, in his view, should constitute a single conference.

Source and copyright

Source: Archives historiques des Communautés européennes, Florence, Villa Il Poggiolo. Fonds des institutions communautaires européennes, EC. Conseil des ministres, CM. Conférence des ministres des affaires étrangères, Venise, 29-30.05.1956, CM 3 NEGO 092.

Copyright: (c) Archives Historiques de l'Union européenne-Florence
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