Letter from Renaud Sivan to Antoine Pinay on the Bandung Conference (Jakarta, 27 April 1955)

On 27 April 1955, Renaud Sivan, French Ambassador in Jakarta, writes a letter to Antoine Pinay, French Foreign Minister, in which he sets out the highlights of the Bandung Conference.

Source and copyright

Source: SIVAN, Renaud. [Lettre de Renaud Sivan à Antoine Pinay (Djakarta, 27 avril 1955)]. In: France. Ministère des Affaires étrangères. Commission de publication des documents diplomatiques français.. Documents diplomatiques français. Paris: Imprimerie nationale. 1987. Tome I, 1er janvier-30 juin 1955, T. n° 226, pp. 519-523.

Copyright: (c) Translation CVCE.EU by UNI.LU
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