Note by Max Kohnstamm on the forthcoming discussions between Mollet and Adenauer on Europe (5 November 1956)

On 5 November 1956, in anticipation of the meeting between Mollet and Adenauer in Paris, Max Kohnstamm, Vice-President of the Action Committee for the United States of Europe, sends a preparatory note to French Prime Minister Guy Mollet in which he outlines the position of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer on Euratom and the Common Market and explains how the Franco-German discussions should be approached in order to break the deadlock in the negotiations on the future European treaties.

Source and copyright

Source: Archives historiques de l'Union européenne, Florence. MK Max Kohnstamm, MK-02 Comité d'Action pour les États-Unis d'Europe (1956-1969). Conférence intergouvernementale (CIG) pour le Marché commun et l'Euratom, MK-4.

Copyright: Historical Archives of the European Union

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