Note from the French Foreign Ministry on the proposed Common Market (23 June 1956)

On 23 June 1956, in connection with the ongoing analysis of the report submitted by the experts to the foreign ministers of the Six on the establishment of a Common Market, the General Directorate of Economic and Financial Affairs within the French Foreign Ministry drafts a note that identifies a series of questions raised in the Spaak Report.

Source and copyright

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France. Note: Marché commun. 23-06-1956. Kept in: Archives historiques de l'Union européenne. MAEF - Ministère des Affaires étrangères français, MAEF.DECE - Division économique et financière: service de coopération économique (1945-1967). Communauté économique européenne, MAEF.DECE-5.2. Suivi des travaux du Comité intergouvernementale, MAEF-613.

Copyright: (c) Ministère des Affaires étrangères de la République Française
Avec l'autorisation du ministère des Affaires Etrangères

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