Note on the question of NATO–WEU relations with regard to French forces (14 June 1967)

On 14 June 1967, the Agency for the Control of Armaments (ACA) of Western European Union (WEU) issues a note on the question of relations between the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and WEU with regard to French forces. It appears that all the WEU Member States agree that the political principle of establishing a ceiling for operational ground forces within WEU and the Atlantic Alliance should remain applicable after the forces in question are moved from NATO command to national command. The ceiling laid down in the Special Agreement for French operational forces would be applied to national forces that are now considered as forces for common defence. France’s acceptance of this principle could be followed by acceptance of the principle by the other countries with regard to all their operational forces. Article III of Protocol II would still make it possible for the WEU Council to approve a recommended increase beyond the agreed limits.

Source and copyright

Source: [Agence pour le contrôle des armements]. Éléments a/s du problème des relations O.T.A.N.-U.E.O. [CR (67) 13] à propos des forces françaises. 14.06.1967. 3 p.

Archives nationales de Luxembourg (ANLux). Western European Union Archives. Armament Bodies. ACA. Agency for the Control of Armaments. Year: 1952 - 01/01/1952- 31/12/1987. File ACA-073. Volume 1/1.

Copyright: (c) WEU Secretariat General - Secrétariat Général UEO

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