Telegram on the obstacles raised by France to some chapters of the enlargement negotiations (18 June 1982)

On 18 June 1982, Portugal’s Mission to the EEC sends a telegram to the Portuguese Foreign Ministry summarising the working meeting of the Council which took place the previous day. At that meeting, the French Delegation raised obstacles in some areas, thereby preventing the Community from adopting a joint position with regard to the accession of Portugal.

Source and copyright

Source: Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Serviço de Arquivo Histórico-Diplomático, Palácio das Necessidades, Largo do Rilvas, 1399-030 Lisboa., Colecção de Telegramas, M 327.

Copyright: (c) Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Serviço de Arquivo Histórico-Diplomático

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