The Treaty of Dunkirk between France and the United Kingdom (Dunkirk, 4 March 1947)

On 4 March 1947, in a room in the Dunkirk subprefecture, Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Secretary, and Georges Bidault, French Foreign Minister, sign the Treaty of Alliance and Mutual Assistance between France and the United Kingdom.

Source and copyright

Source: Gaumont Pathé Archives, Saint-Ouen, 24, rue du Docteur Bauer - F 93400.
SIGNATURE DE L'ALLIANCE FRANCO ANGLAISE À DUNKERQUE. NORD, PAS-DE-CALAIS. FRANCE- Dunkerque: Journal Éclair [Prod.], 04.03.1947. Gaumont Pathé Archives, Saint-Ouen. - VIDEO (00:01:11, Noir et blanc, Son original).

Copyright: (c) Gaumont Pathé Archives

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