Le Journal Inattendu: Jean Monnet (RTL, 22 January 1972)

On 22 January 1972, as the United Kingdom’s Treaty of Accession to the European Communities is signed in Brussels, Jean Monnet, President of the Action Committee for the United States of Europe (ACUSE), welcomes this enlargement of the Communities for which he has so tirelessly campaigned and outlines the difficulties and the implications of the enlarged Europe.

Source et copyright

Source: Le journal inattendu avec Jean Monnet- Bruxelles: RTL [Prod.], 22 janvier 1972. RTL, Paris. - (15:56, Montage, Son original).

Photo: Jean Monnet reposera au Panthéon. Paris: Keystone, 1975. Noir et blanc.

Copyright: (c) Archives RTL

Photo: (c) Keystone
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Jean Monnet