Note by the British Embassy in Paris on French policy towards WEU (19 February 1969)

On 19 February 1969, Leslie Fielding, a British diplomat at the United Kingdom’s Embassy in Paris, sends a note to the Foreign Office in London giving details of a conversation with Luc de Nanteuil, Deputy Director for Middle East Affairs at the French Foreign Ministry, regarding France’s policy towards Western European Union (WEU), especially concerning Middle East issues. The note throws an interesting light on the development of the French attitude over the recent WEU meeting in London on 14 February.

Source et copyright

Source: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). Foreign Office, Eastern Department and successors: Registered Files (E and NE Series). MIDDLE EAST. Discussions. Western European Union (WEU) ministerial meeting. 01/01/1969-31/12/1969, FCO 17/727 (Former Reference Dep: NE 2/29).

Copyright: (c) The National Archives of the United Kingdom

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