Reactions in France to Norway’s ‘No’ vote (RTL, 26 September 1972)

On 26 September 1972, the RTL radio station considers the reasons for and the consequences of the rejection by the Norwegian people of Norway’s accession to the European Communities in the referendum held in the country the previous day. RTL presents its listeners with the reactions of Georges Pompidou, President of the French Republic, and André Bettencourt, Minister Delegate to the French Foreign Minister.

Source et copyright

Source: Le "non" de la Norvège- Paris: RTL [Prod.], 26.09.1972. RTL, Paris. - SON (00:00:47, Montage, Son original).
Algérie: les accords d'Evian / Euloge Boissonade, Jean-Pierre Farkas.- Oran et Alger: RTL [Prod.], 20 mars 1962. RTL, Paris. - (07:03, Montage, Son original).

Photo: CVCE Logo. Colour.

Copyright: (c) Archives RTL

Photo: (c) Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe (CVCE)
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