Small boat carrying African illegal immigrants (Algeciras, 13 August 2000)

In the 1970s, Spain was still a starting point for emigration from Europe, but, from the 1980s onwards, this trend was reversed, in particular after 1996, when immigration levels increased strongly, especially from African and Latin American countries. This photo shows 39 African illegal immigrants landing on the beach at Punta Paloma, Tarifa, on 13 August 2000.

Source et copyright

Source: OÑATE, Juan (bajo la dir.). Portugal y España, Veinte años de integración en Europa 1985-2005. Asociación de Periodistas Europeos. Madrid: Muñoz Vergara/Ediciones, 2005. 325 p. ISBN 84-609-7299-2.
En busca de la prosperidad. Ragel. Algeciras: Agencia EFE, 13/08/2000. Color.

Copyright: (c) Agencia EFE

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Small boat carrying African illegal immigrants (Algeciras, 13 August 2000)