Trumpf–Piris Report, Operation of the Council with an enlarged Union in prospect (10 March 1999)

Report by the working party set up by the Secretary-General of the Council, Operation of the Council with an enlarged Union in prospect, presented on 10 March 1999 in accordance with the conclusions of the Vienna European Council held from 11 to 13 December 1998. The report is known as the ‘Trumpf–Piris Report’ after Jürgen Trumpf, Secretary-General of the Council, and Jean-Claude Piris, Legal Adviser to the Council, respectively Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the working party responsible for the report.

Source et copyright

Source: Operation of the Council with an enlarged Union in prospect, Report by the Working Party set up by the Secretary-General of the Council. SN 2139/99. Brussels: Council of the European Union. The Secretary-General, 11.03.1999. 103 p.
Archives centrales du Conseil de l'Union européenne, B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel, rue de la Loi/Wetstraat, 175.

Copyright: (c) European Union

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