Address given by Edward Heath when presenting the Seventh Annual Report of the Council (London, 5 June 1962)

The Secretary-General circulates a note containing the text of the address given by Edward Heath, Chairman in Office of the Council of Western European Union (WEU), during the eighth session (first part) of the WEU Assembly on 5 June 1962. As he presents the Seventh Annual Report of the Council, Heath emphasises the utility of the political consultations within WEU for the establishment of closer relations between the United Kingdom and the European Communities. As the representative of the British Government, Heath also confirms that his country wishes to play its full part in the development of the political structure of the European Community, which will be strengthened by British accession.

Source et copyright

Source: Council of the Western European Union. Secretrary-General’s note. Eight session (first part) of the Assembly. C(62)91. 6 p.

Archives nationales de Luxembourg (ANLux). Western European Union Archives. Secretariat-General/Council’s Archives. 1954-1987. Relations with non-member countries and other international organisations. Year: 1962, 01/12/1955-30/06/1962. File 350.00. Volume 1/2.

Copyright: (c) WEU Secretariat General - Secrétariat Général UEO

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