Report of the fourth meeting of the Interim Commission (London, 2 December 1954)

At its meeting on 2 December 1954 in London, the Interim Commission continues to examine the question of relations between Western European Union (WEU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Following the debates at the third meeting, Secretary-General Lord Ismay is invited to attend the session to address two main subjects: the admission of a permanent observer to WEU and the nature of relations to be established between the two Secretariats-General. According to Lord Ismay, although the principle of close cooperation is generally accepted, a permanent of observer may not be able to deal with every question that might arise. French Ambassador René Massigli, chairman of the meeting, suggests using ad hoc observers, and notes that it would be up to the Council to decide when this would be necessary. Lord Harold Caccia confirms the United Kingdom’s agreement.

Source et copyright

Source: Interim Commission. Report of the fourth meeting of the Interim Commission held on Tuesday, 2 December 1954, . Londres: 06.12.1954. IWG/10. Copy No 27. 5 p.

Archives nationales de Luxembourg (ANLux). Western European Union Archives. Secretariat-General/Council’s Archives. 1954-1987. Interim Commission - London. Year: 1954, 01/10/1954-31/05/1954. File IP-009. Volume 1/1.

Copyright: (c) WEU Secretariat General - Secrétariat Général UEO

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