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BERTHOIN (Georges)

- Born on 17 May 1925 in Nérac (F)

- Nationality: French

- Chief of Staff in the Administrative Inspectorate-General on Special Mission (IGAME) for the Alsace, Lorraine and Champagne regions (1950–1952)

- Head of the Private Office of Jean Monnet, President of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) (1952–1955)

- Deputy Head of the Delegation of the ECSC and Chargé d’Affaires to the United Kingdom (1956–1958)

- Deputy Chief Representative of the Commission of the European Economic Community in the United Kingdom (1959–1970)

- Chief Representative of the Commission of the European Economic Community in the United Kingdom (1970–1973)

- President of the European Movement (1978–1982)

- Chairman of the European Group of the Trilateral Commission (1976–1992)

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