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RUTTEN (Charles)

- Born on 19 November 1920 in Gulpen, deceased 21 July 2010 in The Hague, the Netherlands

- Nationality: Dutch

- Second Secretary of the Dutch Catholic Party (KVP) (1946‒1950)

- Dutch Foreign Ministry (from 1950)

- Member of the Netherlands delegations during the negotiations on the European Defence Community (EDC), on the Common Market and on Euratom (1952‒1958)

- Deputy Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the European Communities (1960‒1969)

- Deputy Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the United Nations (1969‒1972)

- Deputy Director-General of International Cooperation at the Dutch Foreign Ministry (1972‒1974)

- Director-General of Political Affairs at the Dutch Foreign Ministry (1974‒1980)

- Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the Council of the European Communities (1980‒1986)

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