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BALDOCCI (Pasquale Antonio)

- Born on 13 April 1931 in Tunis, French Protectorate of Tunisia

- Nationality: Italian

- Official at the Treaties Department of the Directorate-General for Personnel of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1956‒1957)

- Legation Attaché (1957‒1958)

- Vice-Consul in Zagreb (1958‒1960)

- Italian diplomatic representative to the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) (1960‒1963)

- Consul in St Louis (1963‒1965)

- Directorate-General for Political Affairs of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1965‒1968)

- First Secretary to the Italian Embassy in Bucharest (1968‒1971)

- Embassy Adviser in Copenhagen (1971‒1974)

- Consul-General in Basel (1974‒1977)

- Minister Counsellor in Ankara (1977‒1979)

- Minister Plenipotentiary (1979‒1982)

- Minister Counsellor in Bern (1982‒1989)

- Italian Ambassador to Dar es Salaam (1989‒1993)

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