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‒ Born on 22 May 1914 in Amsterdam (NL), deceased 20 October 2010 in Amsterdam

‒ Nationality: Dutch

‒ Private Secretary to Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands (1945-1948)

‒ Assistant to Hans Max Hirschfeld, Government Commissioner responsible for the administration of the Marshall Plan and for German Affairs (1948-1949)

‒ Head of German Affairs at the at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1949-1950)

‒ Member of the Dutch Governmental Delegation at the official negotiations on implementation of the Schuman Plan (1950-1951)

‒ Secretary of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) (1952-1956)

‒ Secretary-General, later Vice-President, of the Action Committee for the United States of Europe (1956‒1975)

‒ President of the European University Institute, Florence (1976-1981)

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