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ISRAEL (Edmond)

- Born on 5 May 1924 in Luxembourg City (L), died on 4 February 2011 in Luxembourg City

- Nationality: Luxembourgish

- Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) (1946–1989)

- Director-General of the Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) (1973–1989)

- President of the Board of Directors of the ‘Centrale de livraison de valeurs mobilières’ (Cedel International, renamed Clearstream International in 1999) (1970–1999)

- Luxembourg representative on the Board of Governors of ASEF (Asia Europe Foundation) (1997–1999)

- Chairman of the ASEF Board of Governors (1999–2011)

- Honorary Chairman of Clearstream International (2005–2011)

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