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GUTMANN (Francis)

- Born on 4 October 1930 in Paris, died on 25 June 2020 in Paris, France

- Policy Officer in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (19511957)

- Member of the French delegation to the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations (19521955)

- Deputy Head of the Private Office of the State Secretary for Economic Affairs (1955)

- Policy Officer in the Directorate of Economic and Financial Affairs (Economic Cooperation) at the French Foreign Ministry (19551957)

- Member of the French delegation to the Brussels Conference on the Common Market (19561957)

- Consultant at the company Pechiney (19571959)

- General Secretary of the company FRIA (19601962)

- Senior Executive of the Pechiney group (19631971) then the Pechiney Ugine Kuhlmann group (19711981)

- Secretary-General of the Ministry of External Relations (19811985)

- Ambassador to Madrid (19851988)

- Chairman of Gaz de France (19881993)

- Chairman of the French Institute of Petroleum (19931995)

- Policy Officer in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (19961998)

- Chairman of the Scientific Defence Council (19982011)

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