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WEYLAND (Joseph)

- Born on 24 April 1943 in Luxembourg (L)

- Nationality: Luxembourgish

- Joined the Political Affairs Directorate (Directorate I) of the Luxembourg Foreign Ministry (1968–1969)

- Legation Secretary at the Luxembourg Embassy in Bonn (1969–1972)

- Legation Secretary, Delegate in the Permanent Representation of Luxembourg to the European Communities in Brussels (1972)

- Deputy Director in the Protocol and Administrative Affairs Directorate of the Luxembourg Foreign Ministry (1972–1976)

- Deputy Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the European Communities in Brussels (1976–1979)

- Director in the Economic Relations and Cooperation Directorate of the Luxembourg Foreign Ministry (1979–1983)

- Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the United Nations in New York (1983–1984)

- Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the European Communities in Brussels (1984–1991)

- General Secretary in the Luxembourg Foreign Ministry (1991–1992)

- Ambassador in London for the United Kingdom, Ireland and Iceland (1993–2002)

- Ambassador in Brussels for Belgium and Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to NATO (2003–2005)

- Ambassador in Washington for the United States, Canada and Mexico (2005–2008)

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