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MEISCH (Adrien)

- Born on 8 April 1930 in Luxembourg (L), died 12 May 2020 in Vallauris (F)

- Nationality: Luxembourgish

- Legation Attaché in the Political Affairs section of the Luxembourg Foreign Ministry (1957–1958)

- Member of the Luxembourg Permanent Representation to the United Nations and Luxembourg Consul in New York (1958–1960)

- Legation Secretary and Deputy Permanent Representative at the Luxembourg Permanent Representation to the European Communities in Brussels (1961)

- Legation Secretary then Legation Counsellor (from 1965) in Paris and Deputy Permanent Representative to the OECD and to NATO (1962–1967)

- Legation Counsellor at the Political Affairs Directorate of the Luxembourg Foreign Ministry (1968–1969)

- Director of the Political Affairs Directorate of the Luxembourg Foreign Ministry (1969–1971)

- Ambassador to Moscow for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Poland and Finland (1971–1973)

- Ambassador to Washington for the United States, Canada and Mexico (1974–1983)

- Ambassador to Bonn for the Federal Republic of Germany (1983–1995)

- Ambassador to Moscow for the Russian Federation (1995–1998)

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