DELORS (Jacques)

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DELORS (Jacques)

- Born on 20 July 1925 in Paris (F)

- Nationality: French

- Head of Department (19451962) and Attaché in the Private Office of the Director-General for securities and the money market at the Banque de France (19501962)

- Member of the section for planning and investments in the Economic and Social Council (19591961)

- Head of Social Affairs at the National Planning Board (19621969)

- Secretary-General of the Interministerial Committee for vocational training and social advancement created by Prime Ministers Jacques Chaban-Delmas and Pierre Messmer (19691973)

- Adviser for Social and Cultural Affairs (1969) then special assistant to Prime Minister Jacques Chaban-Delmas (19711972)

- Member of the General Council of the Banque de France (19731979)

- Associate Professor of business management at Paris IX University (19741979)

- National Delegate for the Socialist Party on international economic relations (19761981)

- Member of the European Parliament, Chairman of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (19791981)

- Minister for the Economy and Finance (19811983) then Minister for the Economy, Finance, and Budget (19831984)

- President of the Commission of the European Communities (1985‒1995)

- President of the UNESCO International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century (1994‒1999)

- President of the Administrative Council of the College of Europe in Bruges (1995‒1999)

- Founder President of the think tank Notre Europe (since 1996)

- President of the Council for Employment, Income and Social Cohesion (CERC) (2000‒2009)

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