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PUJOL (Jordi)

- Born on 9 June 1930 in Barcelona, Spain

- Nationality: Spanish

- Doctor of Medicine

- Founder of the Democratic Convergence of Catalonia (1974)

- Member of Parliament in Madrid for the Convergence and Union coalition (1977‒1980)

- Deputy Chairman of the Defence Committee in the Congress (1977‒1979)

- Advisor to the provisional Generalitat (1977‒1980)

- President of the Generalitat de Cataluña (1980‒2003)

- Vice-President of the Assembly of European Regions (1988‒1992)

- President of the Assembly of European Regions (1992‒1996)

- President of the Working Community of the Pyrenees (2003)

- President of the Centro de Estudios Jordi Pujol (since 2004)

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