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NOTHOMB (Charles-Ferdinand)

‒ Born on 3 May 1936 in Brussels, died 19 April 2023 in Habay-La-Neuve, Belgium

‒ Nationality: Belgian

‒ Christian Socialist MP (1968‒1995)

‒ President of the Christian Social Party (1972‒1979; 1996‒1998)

‒ Member of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe (1968‒1973; 1995‒1999)

‒ Member of the European Parliament (1979‒1980)

‒ President of the Chamber of Representatives (1979‒1980; 1988‒1995)

‒ Minister for Foreign Affairs (1980‒1981)

‒ Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Interior and the Civil Service (1981‒1985)

‒ Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Interior, the Civil Service and Decentralisation (1985‒1986)

‒ Co-Chairman and General Rapporteur of the Conference of European Parliaments (1990)

‒ Senator (1995‒1999)

‒ President of the Belgian Council of the European Movement (2001‒2007)

‒ President of the European Institute for Research on Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation (2001‒2007)

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