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- Born on 8 December 1928 in Paris (F), died on 18 July 2012 in Paris

- Nationality: French

- Student at the National School of Administration (ENA) (19531955)

- Embassy Secretary assigned to the Directorate-General for Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris (1955)

- Policy Officer then Deputy Head in the Private Office of the French Junior Minister for Foreign Affairs and Secretary-General of the French Delegation to the Intergovernmental Conference on the Common Market and Euratom (1956–1958)

- Deputy Director of European Organisations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (19581960)

- Head of the Technical Assistance Mission to Morocco (19611963)

- Deputy Director of the Africa Section in the central administration of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (19631965)

- Research Officer at the National Centre for Scientific Research (19651966)

- Adviser in Tehran (19691971)

- Junior Minister to Jean Sauvagnargues, Minister for Foreign Affairs (1976)

- Secretary-General of the Presidency of the French Republic (19761978)

- Minister for Foreign Affairs (1978–1981)

- Chairman of the Lot-et-Garonne General Council (19781994, 19982004)

- Senator for the Lot-et-Garonne département (19832011)

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