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ROBIN (Gabriel)

— Born on 25 August 1929 in Molières-sur-Cèze (F), died on 25 March 2021

— Nationality: French

— Secondary school teacher (1953–1956)

— Student at the École nationale d'administration (ENA) (1956–1958)

— Official at the Central Administration of the French Foreign Ministry (1958–1961)

— Second Embassy Secretary (1961–1965), First Secretary (1965–1967) then Second Counsellor (1967–1969) at the Permanent Representation to the European Communities

— Technical adviser in the Prime Minister's Office (1969)

— Delegated Deputy Director at the Central Administration of the Foreign Ministry (1969–1972)

— First Embassy Counsellor in London (1972–1973)

— Technical adviser at the Secretariat General of the Presidency of the Republic (1973–1979)

— Director of Political Affairs at the Foreign Ministry (1979–1981)

— Ambassador, French Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Council in Brussels (1987–1992)

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