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UNWIN (Sir Brian)

- Born on 21 September 1935 in Chesterfield (UK)

- Diplomat in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (1960–1968)

- Senior official in Her Majesty’s Treasury (1968–1985)

- Private Secretary to the Chief Secretary in Her Majesty’s Treasury (1970–1972)

- Assistant Secretary in Her Majesty’s Treasury (1972–1976)

- Under Secretary in Her Majesty’s Treasury (1976–1981)

- Seconded to the Cabinet Office (1981–1983)

- Departmental Secretary (1983–1985)

- UK Director of the European Investment Bank (1983–1985)

- Departmental Secretary in the Cabinet Office (1985–1987)

- Chairman of the Board of Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise (1987–1993)

- Member of the Customs Cooperation Council (1991–1992)

- President of the European Investment Bank (1993–1999)

- Governor of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (1993–1999)

- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the European Investment Fund (1994–1999)

- Honorary President of the European Investment Bank (since 2000)

- Member of the Board of the Centre d’Études Prospectives (CEPROS) (1996–2000)

- Member of the Board of the Fondation Pierre Werner Luxembourg (1998–2000)

- Member of the Dexia Board of Directors (2000–2010)

- Honorary President of the European Investment Bank (since 2000)

- Chairman of the European Task Force on Banking and Biodiversity (2003–2009)

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